Life is full of uncertainties, especially when it comes to our well-being. It’s crucial to have a reliable financial plan in place to provide coverage when the unexpected occurs.

 Hospital Insurance Plans

Cover your Deductible or Out Of Pocket Expenses With Hospital Insurance Plans

About Hospital Insurance

With Hospital Insurance, you design an affordable plan that’s just right for you and your family.
You can add levels of coverage to help protect you from the out-of-pocket costs that often come with accidental injury, illness, and hospital stays.The plan is guaranteed issue. That means you are eligible right away and there is no health questionnaire to fill out.Plan Enhancer starts with Accident Medical Expense coverage.
Then, you can add optional Cancer and Heart/Stroke and Sickness Hospitalization riders depending on your needs and availability in your state.If the unexpected happens, the plan pays cash benefits, regardless of other medical coverage.So you can cover what you need, when you need it most.

Coverage to fit your needs and budget

With benefit levels from $2,500 to $17,500.

  • Start your plan with Accident Medical Expense coverage to pay accident-related health care costs and other expenses.

  • Add a Cancer and Heart/Stroke rider to receive lump-sum, cash benefits for a covered, first-ever cancer diagnosis and a covered heart attack or stroke

  • Add a Sickness Hospitalization rider to get lump-sum benefits for the first covered day of hospital admission due to a sickness.

Hospital Insurance Benefits Exemple

Hospital Indemnity Insurance