Affordable Short term insurance Plans

 Short term Insurance coverage regulations differ from state to state, with temporary health plans not being purchasable in a total of 12 states and the District of Columbia.

The Affordable Care Act successfully provided affordable and comprehensive health insurance to millions of Americans.

While the law’s provisions have effectively reduced coverage costs for most individuals purchasing their own health insurance, certain people face challenges in obtaining affordable coverage. Factors such as undocumented immigration status, missed open enrollment or special enrollment periods, or an inability to afford even subsidized premiums can contribute to this situation.

If you belong to this group of consumers – having explored both on- and off-exchange options for regular health insurance and finding them unaffordable or ineligible – it is worthwhile to consider the advantages and disadvantages of opting for short-term coverage.

short term health insurance
Short term insurance plans, also known as temporary health insurance or gap insurance, provide coverage for a limited duration – typically from a few months up to a year. These plans are designed to bridge gaps in your coverage when you are experiencing a transition in life circumstances. They offer a range of benefits similar to traditional health insurance, such as coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and emergency care.
Short term insurance plans can be beneficial for a variety of situations, including:
1. Job Transitions: If you’re between jobs and waiting for new employer benefits to begin, short-term insurance can ensure you have coverage in the interim.
2. Early Retirees: Individuals who retire before they are eligible for Medicare can use short-term plans to maintain coverage until they reach Medicare age.
3. Recent Graduates: Graduating from college often means losing coverage under a parent’s insurance policy. Short-term plans offer a temporary solution while you explore long-term options.
4. Temporary Residents: If you’re moving to a new country or area for a limited period, short-term insurance can provide you with the necessary coverage.
Presently, approximately 2.2 million individuals find themselves ensnared within the coverage gap across eleven states that have chosen not to expand Medicaid. Their household incomes fall below the federal poverty threshold, rendering the notion of purchasing health insurance at full cost a scarcely viable option. (This coverage gap is projected to diminish to nine states by 2024, as South Dakota embarks on Medicaid expansion in mid-2023, and North Carolina is anticipated to follow suit in 2024).
With the advent of the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, a temporary alleviation of the subsidy cliff has been established until 2025. This translates to households with earnings surpassing 400% of the poverty level being eligible for premium subsidies, provided that the benchmark plan’s expense would otherwise surpass 8.5% of the household’s income.
Furthermore, as of 2023, the IRS has made partial strides in rectifying the family glitch. This means that select families are now newly qualified for marketplace subsidies when the employer-offered coverage proves financially unfeasible (though the employee remains disqualified for marketplace subsidies, potentially resulting in overall premiums exceeding the family’s budget).
Yet, the predicament of the coverage gap endures. Moreover, undocumented immigrants remain excluded from subsidies, unable to procure coverage via the exchange even if they are willing to bear the full cost (certain states are independently tackling this concern).
In the event that you’ve missed the open enrollment window – whether for your employer’s plan or a private individual/family plan – and are not eligible for a special enrollment period, enrolling in substantial major medical coverage might remain elusive until the subsequent year, unless Medicaid eligibility applies.
Should you find yourself among these individuals deprived of access to affordable ACA-compliant coverage, it is prudent to at least evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of embracing short-term coverage.
According to federal regulations, short-term plans are not mandated to encompass the essential health benefits outlined in the ACA. Consequently, in the majority of states where short-term health plans are accessible, these plans frequently exhibit more substantial limitations in benefits compared to ACA-compliant plans, resulting in gaps within their coverage for several crucial health benefit categories.
Among the most frequently excluded areas of coverage are maternity care, mental health care, preventive care, and prescription drugs. It’s worth noting that short-term plans possess the discretion to incorporate or exclude specific services according to their design, unless states stipulate the inclusion of certain mandated benefits. (For information on plan availability and how short-term health insurance is regulated in your state, simply click on your state on the provided map.)
Generally, most short term Insurance plans will extend coverage for essential medically necessary inpatient and outpatient medical services, encompassing emergency care. However, it is customary for these plans to have broad exclusions for pre-existing conditions held by the policyholder, and they often enforce limitations on the maximum payout for certain services.
Depending on your geographical location and the insurance provider you opt for, the potential exists to secure a short-term plan that can span up to a maximum of three years, inclusive of renewal periods.
However, expectations are that the Biden administration will introduce new regulations in April 2023 to potentially curtail the scope of short-term health plans. While the precise nature of these proposed changes remains uncertain, it’s noteworthy that the Biden administration previously instated a three-month limit on short-term plans. It remains to be seen whether a similar approach will be revisited in the upcoming rule proposal (please note that the initial projection for the rule proposal in 2022 did not materialize, making the spring 2023 timeline tentative).
Currently, under federal guidelines, short-term health plans are permitted initial terms spanning up to 364 days, with the cumulative duration, renewals included, extending up to three years. There exists the possibility for insurers to provide an option for guaranteed renewability at the time of policy purchase, requiring no further medical underwriting. This implies that applicants could apply once and attain coverage for up to three years. (It’s important to be aware that not all states mandate short-term health insurers to offer renewability. It’s prudent to meticulously review the plan particulars before securing coverage to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the policy.)
Nevertheless, approximately half of the states enforce more stringent regulations, disallowing the continuation of plans for the full three-year period. Even within states where extended short-term plans are permissible, certain insurers may opt to solely provide shorter terms and/or plans that are non-renewable.
The monthly premiums associated with short-term health insurance exhibit significant variations based on factors such as your residential location, age, and the specific insurance company extending the coverage. Depending on your individual circumstances, these premiums can commence at rates considerably below $100 per month.
It’s important to note that while premium subsidies are not applicable to short-term policies, these plans often come with noticeably lower costs compared to ACA-compliant major medical plans, especially if you do not meet the criteria for receiving a premium subsidy.
However, it is worth mentioning that the majority of individuals qualify for premium subsidies when procuring coverage through the exchange, provided they are not eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, or an employer-sponsored health plan. Opting for short-term coverage would necessitate relinquishing your eligibility for a premium subsidy.
Under the provisions of the ACA, these policies do not qualify as minimum essential coverage. Consequently, the conclusion of a short-term policy does not serve as a qualifying event that initiates a special enrollment period for enrollment in an ACA-compliant individual market plan.